Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 2 of my MicroAquarium

When looking at my aquarium today, I found roughly 4 Rotifer, from the genus Philodina.  These organisms are free to move all around because they do not have a shell.  I also saw a Rotifer but of a different genus.  It was from the genus Euchlanis Dilatata, there were about 5 or so swimming around but these organisms have limited freedom because they have an outer shell (Smith, Pennak's Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States, pg 131 and 132).  Annelida, from the genus group Chaetogaster, is a worm that is divided into segments (Guide to Microlife, Rainis, Russel. Pg 226).  I also saw a water flee from the classification of the Ostracoda, and from the genus Cypris. (Fresh-Water Biology, Ward and Whippie, pg. 817)  The Cypris has hair follicles around its body and has propeller looking things that help them move around.  These are the organisms that I found in my second week of observing my aquarium. 

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